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NIRO predictive iterative analysis tool for small room acoustics will debut on NAMM Pro Audio track

This fifteen-minute NIRO tutorial will illustrate how this software platform has been developed; the research behind it; and why it is poised to create a new paradigm in the optimization of small room acoustics.

ANAHEIM, CA.: For many years, the need for a wave-based, computer-modeling tool capable of facilitating predictive, iterative analysis required to optimize small room design (i.e. studios, home theaters, audiophile rooms, etc.) has been the acousticians’ ‘Holy Grail.” Enter NIRO™, (Non-Cuboid Iterative Room Optimizer.), a SaaS (software as a service) developed over the past two years by REDIAcoustics

NIRO’s developmental software platform consists of three modules, which automatically and iteratively optimize any size or shape critical listening room, both below and above the transition frequency from wave to geometrical acoustics. The Geometry Module optimizes the rooms’ dimensions and the positions of all loudspeakers and listeners, by searching for the flattest modal response. The Damper Module designs and optimally locates all low frequency corrective treatments now referred to as Acoustical Parametric Equalizers (APEQs.) The Specular Reflection Module optimizes the room’s Reflection Free Zone; identifies disturbing mid and high frequency response anomalies; and addresses specific degrees of acoustic envelopment. One or all of the modules may be engaged to address specific acoustic requirements for the high performance listening environment.

This fifteen-minute NIRO tutorial will illustrate how this software platform has been developed; the research behind it; and why it is poised to create a new paradigm in the optimization of small room acoustics. The presentation is set to premiere at 3:25 EST Thursday, Jan. 21 on the Believe In Music Track. It will then be available “on demand” for five weeks following that date.

Considered the “Global Crossroads of Music, Sound & Entertainment Technology,” the 2021 NAMM Show will be held January 21-24. For details visit: NAMM Announces Believe in Music Week, The Global Gathering to Unite and Support the Industry

NIRO Presenters: Peter D’Antonio and John Storyk are part of the founding team of REDIacoustics, a recently formed research company dedicated to high performance audio and acoustic analysis. The creator of RPG Diffusor Systems, Inc., Dr. Peter D’Antonio is a musician, recording engineer, sound diffusion industry pioneer, author, educator, and the inventor of numerous trademarked and patented, optimized diffusing and absorbing surfaces. John Storyk is a founding partner of WSDG (Walters-Storyk Design Group), a global architectural/acoustic design firm with over 3500 credits including: Jimi Hendrix’s Electric Lady Studios, Jazz At Lincoln Center, Jungle City Studios and the Berklee College of Music’s 160 Mass. Ave. EDU Complex.




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