Dell has launched the first 40-inch ultrawide curved monitor aimed at productivity and content creation chores. The UltraSharp 40 Curved WUHD display (U4021QW) has a resolution of 5,120 x 2,160, so it’s substantially wider than a regular 4K display. It supports a full 4K video (3,840 x 2,160), while letting you show the controls for a video app off to the side, for example. The UltraSharp 40 “offers wide color coverage and excellent color performance,” though Dell didn’t indicate HDR. It also offers 90W power charging for your PC over Thunderbolt 3, while allowing fast data transfers with super speed USB 10Gbps and RJ45 internet. It will arrive on January 28th, 2021 for $2,100.
Collaboration tools like Microsoft 365 or Klaxoon for design or brainstorming are supported. It unveiled the 55- and 65-inch 4K Interactive Touch Monitors with 20-point “InGlass” touch capability. They allow multiple users at once to write or draw in real-time “with virtually zero lag,” and artists rest their hands on the display thanks to new palm-rejection features. No pricing yet for these displays, but they’ll go on sale starting March 30th, 2021.
Dell claims it has created the “world’s first video conferencing monitors certified for Microsoft Teams,” after Microsoft started certifying displays, webcams, and headsets last year. Three monitors will be available next month, all offering quick access to Microsoft Teams.
The button will let Microsoft Teams users quickly launch the app to make and receive video calls. Hands-free commands will also be supported through Cortana and the built-in microphone.