Flare Audio’s Reference R1 “fully open” back headphones are aimed at the pro audio and audiophile market. All of the Reference R1 headphones’ drivers create sound by placing higher frequencies inside the movement of lower frequencies. For example, 21Hz is created within the movement of 20Hz, 22Hz within 21Hz, and so on. If a driver’s movement is restricted by ERPI, the time domain of frequency information is also distorted. Flare describes this driver movement distortion as TDD (Time Domain Distortion). With the Reference R1, both of Flare’s patent-pending technologies (Space and Vortex) have been applied to both sides of the driver to create what the company calls the first fully open, true infinite baffle headphone that produces distortion-free sound. Flare’s vortex silencing technology spirals around both sides of the 40mm dynamic headphone drivers to remove all enclosed residual pressure interference (ERPI), while its Space technology reduces enclosure wall vibration through four bolts that pull the rear plate and ear pad plates together with a constant compressive force on the DSV (dual sided vortex) disc.
Availability: Pre-order