Just about a year ago Sarcos made a splash with a variety of demos of their prototype Guardian XO. Now the company says the real deal is ready to ship. The gig is: Don the suit and lift 20X your weight. Hoist those flatplanels….no word if you can go up ladders in it.
The company had a pre-release contract from United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). Now that there is a production model, Sarcos gathered various tech press folks to Salt Lake City to see what was up. Here are some selected examples from what happened:
Watch from IEEE Spectrum:
READ MORE: Sacros demonstrates powered exosuit that gives workers super strength (Evan Ackerman, IEEE Spectrum)
From PC Mag:
READ MORE: Can the Guardian XO exoskeleton save your back and joints? (S.C. Stuart, PC Mag)
From CNET:
READ MORE: A powered exoskeleton that makes you 20 times stronger (Lexy Savvides, CNET)