Apple recently released their updated MacBook featuring the new M3 series of Apple Silicon chips. The repair specialists at iFixit have already posted their teardown video, delving into their findings of the MacBook Pro M3’s interior.
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What strikes iFixit initially is the elation of seeing that the touch bar from previous models have been omitted. iFixit dubbed the touch bar both unpopular and unrepairable. Beneath the surface, the new MacBook certainly packs more power, but has been hamstringed by not being upgradable at all. Users will be stuck with the amount of RAM and storage their model came with, without being able to add any more. Additionally, Apple’s practice of RAM swapping will degrade the SSD over time.
Finally, iFixit notes that the laptop’s entire display is pretty much unrepairable without going directly to Apple, as parts-matching means any self repairs will result in the device simply not working. This leaves the repair experts no choice but to give the MacBook Pro M3 a low repairability score. For iFixit’s full thoughts on the device, watch the video above.