The Summit Church is a Southern Baptist multi-site church that was founded in 1961 and now meets at eleven locations throughout the greater Raleigh-Durham area.
Recently, church leadership decided to deploy three video walls at the Brier Creek Campus which, in addition to being the church’s main campus, also serves as the primary broadcast campus.
DP Design of Milwaukee, WI, an AV design/build firm that specializes in the worship market nationwide, designed and installed the new video display system.
The new setup includes a large, ultra-wide wall display positioned in the center of the stage that utilizes 112 Vanguard Rhodium P4 display cabinets. This primary display is 14 cabinets wide by 8 cabinets tall and is flown—translating to a display that measures 29.4 feet in width by 9.4 feet high. There are also two secondary displays for the left and right sides of the stage. Each side screen incorporates 64 Vanguard Rhodium P4 display panels, configured in an 8 x 8 panel setup that each measures 16.8 feet wide by 9.4 feet tall.
“The Summit Church is a contemporary house of worship,” says DP Design founder and CEO David Price. “They offer a worship style that incorporates some traditional worship practices with a mostly contemporary bend that is both casual in nature and very inviting. As the Brier Creek campus is the main worship location, we wanted to make certain the new video display system was clear and vibrant to fully engage the congregation.”
The three video walls display graphics and lyrics on the center screen while the two side panels primarily serve as IMAG of the worship team. When the Brier Creek campus is a playback campus—meaning the message is being delivered live from another location—all three displays act as video playback walls.
“The support was fantastic,” says Price. “The team at Vanguard was quick to respond to any questions. A couple weeks into the project, we discovered that two processors seemed to develop issues. New processors were in the mail that day and seamlessly swapped that week.”
The plan is to incorporate more Vanguard products into their new campus, which is currently under construction and additional Vanguard equipment will likely be going into a few other campuses over the next couple years.