For more resources or to read the second post in this series, visit the channel page, Audio Collaboration Resources.
The business case for designing better collaboration spaces and systems begins not in the traditional AV gear world per se—with focus only on the specs of screens and video and audio tools. It begins, rather, with forces that are causing significant change in the AV world and beyond—all surrounding the huge increase in demand for interactivity and collaboration among end users.
A lot of attention is given to the video side of the collaboration equation. The volume of video on the world’s IP networks today exceeds all other forms of traffic combined, and trends like video over IP are strong. And in fact, much of the increase in demand for larger display sizes is attributed to the increase in demand for interactivity and collaboration among end users. That’s why display companies are focusing on offering touch displays that can be used in both corporate and education sectors. Bandwidth requirements in the enterprise, of course, increase proportionately. And so the video side of the story evolves—and garners most of the press and product attention.
But smart AV integrators and end users are starting to understand that the audio side of the conferencing equation is not only just as important as the video side, but it’s also the side where advances in technology have ushered in new business models and new efficiencies in system design and maintenance.
Before you look at the technical specs of these new solutions for audio conferencing, start by trying to cut through the noise to get back to the business goals of your customers. Your customers’—or your company’s—need for better audio conferencing is all about engaging a more mobile workforce. It’s about the increasing demand for workforce innovation. Are all the “intrapreneurs” in the organization tuned into the work and the workflow? The audio conference is probably the number-one tool for connecting remote and in-office workers. If people in the organization don’t feel connected, they’re not going to be effective.
You’ve read about, and probably installed, huddle spaces, flex spaces, and other new-form meeting spaces. The industry is seeing an increased demand for more flexible spaces. Video is now more comfortable for people. But if you can ask “what is a video conference without video?” then the question of how audio defines and shapes conferencing becomes more urgent than ever, as we create interactive collaborative spaces that involve not only in-room participants but also remote participants. And one key to understanding the dynamics of audio conferencing is this: the in-room participants now, more often than not, move about the room as they use video and other collaboration tools. If remote participants can’t really participate through hearing everything that goes on in the room, they won’t really be connected.
How do you create a room that meets all of those needs? What if you could install an audio conferencing system for the space and more easily? A system that did not require ongoing maintenance? What if a single device—that would be far more efficient for integrators and end clients alike—could handle all the audio needs for the room?
There’s an intriguing new self-contained system for natural audio collaboration that is pointing to new business models—and new business efficiencies: Nureva’s new HDL300 audio conferencing system with Nureva’s Microphone Mist™ technology. It’s a pretty significant jump forward in audio conferencing technology. Readers can see it, and learn more, using the links below.

Meeting the Needs of the Dynamic Meeting Room: A No Jitter/Enterprise Connect Webinar (starring David Martin and Phil Edholm)

The 4 Challenges an IT Leader Faces in Selecting Audio Conferencing Equipment for Meeting Spaces: A 15-Slide PowerPoint Presentation

From the AV-IT Summit in Denver: The Dynamic Meeting Room

Advanced Audio Conferencing Solutions for Today’s Demanding Applications: An ebook published by New Bay Media on Advanced Audio Conferencing Solutions for Today’s Demanding Applications

AVNetwork, October 2017: “A new breakthrough in Audio Conferencing Solutions”